Haiku Moment

Photo Haiku & Kigo photos by Yukiko

Photo Haiku Selection

The 12th Setouchi-Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest
Award for Excellence in Your Photo-Haiku in English
第12回(2023) 瀬戸内・松山国際写真俳句コンテスト英語自由句部門優秀賞


The 11th Setouchi-Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest
Award for Excellence in Your Photo-Haiku in English
第11回(2022) 瀬戸内・松山国際写真俳句コンテスト英語自由句部門優秀賞


The 9th Setouchi-Matsuyama International Photo-Haiku Contest 
Honorable Mention in Your photo-haiku in English